A change of temperature of the metal

___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write:
___A change of temperature of the metal on move of the process in converter is characterized by its increasing at period of blowing, when no strong coolling actions of the additives, for instance additive of lime and ore, given in the first half of the process. Initial increasing of the temperature is bound with oxidation silicon basically and manganese of cast iron, but the following – with oxidation of carbon, bring under oxygen blow (unlike air in classical process) to allocation of the heat. The Oxidation of phosphorus in view of his small contents at redistribution usual cast iron does not give significant receipts of the heat.
___An Outgoing from oxygen converter gases consist of monooxide and dioxide carbon basically. Presence in their composition of dioxide carbon is indicative of incompleteness of the use the oxygen on oxided of the reactions with fluid metal. This incompleteness particularly reveals itself .at the beginning initially process at mode not deeply stream. Data on contents of dioxide carbon in leaving sas on measure of the reduction of the contents of carbon in metal show that contents CO2 in converters gases in this period approaches to 20%. This is indicative of incomplete use of oxider on without carboned.
___In zone of stream of oxygen converter, at interaction with metal, contents of dioxide carbon must be more high. The Garb with free oxygen, the dioxide of carbon disperses on interaction with metallic smelt on reaction basically, which do not give the allocation of the heat:
1.) CO2 + С => 2CO
2.) CO2 + Fe => FeO + CO
___To end of the process contents CO2 in converters gas newly increases in consequence of deceleration of the process of without carbon of metal and prevalences to reactions of the oxidation ferric.
___High production oxygen converters process is one of the the most important metallurgical object for automation. The Improvement of its management required for reception become with given by temperature and composition under maximum economy smelting trunks. However problem to full automation on base made physico chemical and mathematical models of the process is extremely complex and requires the knowledges of the regularities of the influence ensemble factor – physico chemical, hydra dynamic and others, to date it is not enough explored. In this connection autocontrol is limited in most cases by using the steady – state method. This method is founded on decision of the total balance equations, including information on source material and condition smelting trunks, as well as about given result on contents of carbon in metal, its temperature and maining of slag. In scheme of the autocontrol by smelting of the digital type, enters information on mass, the temperature and composition of cast iron, composition of iron ore and lime, pressure and degree of the purity of the given oxygen, as well as about length of the idle time of the converter between smelting and degree of the wear-out of fireproofs. On this data computer calculates the amount of the oxygen, ore and lime, controls cut in and shutdown of blowing, as well as dosage of the additives.
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