A most important particularity of the oxygen converters process

___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write: 
___A most important particularity of the oxygen converters process is a quick oxidation of phosphorus nearly from the very beginning process. Since the temperature of the metal herewith not yet high (less 1400 degrees), in spite of low contents CaO in slag (30…35%), reconstruction of phosphorus does not begin. At the following period under more high temperature (1500 degrees), oxidation of phosphorus is slowed and can mo.ve over to reconstruction and newly speeds up at increasing of the contentses CaO in slag before 47…50%. 
___An Oxidation of carbon in oxygen converter begins practically right after begin presenting of blowing and during short gap of time (1…3 minutes) occurs in mode not deeply in the fluid stream of blowing. In this period develops surrtace a without carboned in zone of the contact of blowing with fluid metal. The Intensive separation of the bladders CO from melt, of forming hereinafter on reactions of carbon with dissolved oxygen, brings about formation gas – a slag – a metallic emulsion, bath level ascent of the metal and slag and transition to mode deeply stream. The Flow of blowing is introduced in upper layer of the risen bath basically, in gas – a slag – a metallic emulsion, in which oxidation of the admixtures, for instance manganese, can occur more intensive. 
___In medium converters process, of without carboned metal comes of aproximately constant maximum velocity before 0,4…0,5 % falls of the contents of carbon at minute, but then begins to be slowed. This is connected with impoverishing the surrface layers of the metal by carbon and deceleration of its arrival to place of the interaction with oxygen, openning in fluid ferric. At share of the use the oxygen on oxidation of carbon, formed in medium of the process approximately 100%, begins sharply to fall and, for instance, for oxidation 0,01% carbon under its contents 0,1…0,05% are required fivefold amount of the oxygen in contrast with theoretically necessary on reactions 2C + O2 = 2CO. 
___The Conditions removing the sulphur from metal in oxygen converter are more favourable, than condition of the removing of phosphorus. The Degree of the removing the sulphur i.e. attitude amount remote sulphur to initial, can reach at the average 40%. The Main by process in removing the sulphur from metal, is its removing on reactions CaO + FeS = CaS + FeO. The Main reason less full removing the sulphur, is raised contents FeO in slag, being product and given to reactions. Beside 10% whole deleted sulphurs can move over to gas phase in the manner of SO2 in consequence of high oxidation of the potential blowing. 
___A Change of composition of the slag on move of the process is characterized by groth in its contentses CaO intensive by the end of the first half of the process under simultaneous reduction of the contentses SiO2 and MnO. The Mainings of slag (CaO)/(SiO2) increases by the end of process before 3,5…5,0. The Contents oxides ferric in slag increases at the beginning initially and at the end of the process. In average of its part it is lowered as a result intensive of without carboned. In consequence of defect of the oxygen blowing, the additional amount of the oxygen on this reactions are plagerized from slags of the phase: С + FeO = CO + Fe. 
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