___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company write:
___A Requirements to steel of scrap for oxygen converters process include compactness, sufficient bulk mass, high purity, absence of water and land. The Mass piece under the provisions of safety of fireproof converter must not exceed 3,0…3,5 tons. One of the the most important questions oxygen converters production is a quality of lime. It requirets the move of the forming the slag, stability of fireproof converter, leaving the fluid metal. The Quality of lime is defined following factor:
—1.) Chemical composition.
—2.) Factious composition.
—3.) Reactionary ability.
—4.) Presence mechanical admixtures.
—5.) The Degree of gidrotation.
___For technical condition on lime for converters shop is provided following composition, %: 90,0 – CaO; 2,0 – MgO; 2,0 – SiO2+Al2O3; 0,05 – S; 0,1 – P. The Factions of applicable lime must fall within 20…60 mm. Reactionary ability of lime are defined by its extinguish in water. At reference conditions of the test, time from moment of the potting of lime by water before begin reductions of the temperature, deflnied by thermometer, must not exceed 5 mines. Lime is necessary to deliver only in fresh burnt condition, is not allowqd fartburn and partial hidrotation i.e. absorption of water from air.
___Bei use in oxygen converters process instead of scrap iron ore, contents in its silicon acid must not exceed 8%. On coolling action 1 ton of ore aproximately equivalent 3,2 tons of scrap. The Additional expenseses of the heat are connected with decomposition and reconstruction oxides ferric in ore. Rolling dross, sometimes changing iron ore, advantageously differs very low contents SiO2 (less 2%) and high contents ferric (over 70%).
___Liquid additive, used in row of the events for speedup of slagforming, is most often bauxite, containinging quite a numbers Al2O3 (37…50%). Moving over to slag, this component alongside with oxides bauxite ferric – promotes the assimilations of the slag in lime. At increasing temperature melting the slag it falls in small limit of the contentses Al2O3 and viscosity slag melt. More effectively though and few at a time, action of the additives of the fluorspar. Kept in its CaF2 (85…95%) sharply reduces the temperature of the melting mixture with CaO, forming with join 2CaO*SiO2 easymelting composition. High chemical activity CaO is saved together with that.
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