___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write:
___After removing of the slag with oxygen converter metal to blow, herewith add the corresponding to amount of lime required for shaping the new slag. The Composition of the metal on issue: 0,02% C; 0,092% Mn; 0,024% P and 0,015% S. The Second slag leave in converter for the following smelting trunks. At the end’smelting trunks conduct the short blowing of the metal (1-3 minutes) by argon or nitrogen for reduction of the contents of the hydrogen in steels. The Consuption material on 1 ton by steels forms: 827 kgs fluid cast iron, 19 kgs hard cast iron, 259 kgs скрапа, 3 kgs iron ore, 110 kgs lime, 58 cubic metres of the oxygen, and 5,9 cubic metres of the natural gas. Average output suitable – 90,3%.
___A Mode of smelting trunks in 200 tonns oxygen converter includes the following operations:
———1.) Loading of scrap 2…3 minutes.
———2.) Potting of cast iron 2…3 minutes.
———3.) Blowing 12…14 minutes.
———4.) The Selection of the tests and measurement of the temperature 9…10 minutes.
———5.) Short blowing nitrogen 0,5 minutes.
———6.) Swingered of slag 2…3 minutes.
———7.) The Issue become 5…6 minutes.
___A Lime in the manner of powder give together with oxygen at the speed of before 5 tons at minute. The Specific consuption of the oxygen forms approximately 3,3 cubic metres on ton at minute. The General duration smelting trunks forms at the average 35 minutes.
___A Way of production become in converter of bottom blow, sooner whole will not find broad spreading. So in a short time converters bottom blow will are in addition equiped with upper furms i.e. will develop oxygen convertered process with use multifunction of blowing, possessing the most high technician economic factor.
___Commencing with 1975…1980, all greater spreading as abroad, so and in Russia get the converters so named multifunction of blow. In these converter alongside with presenting the oxygen in fluid metal with the help of upper vertical furm, through bilge to blow the inert gas or oxygen in shell of the defensive gas. In 1982 was all over the world used more than 100 converters of multifunction blowing, the general capacity approximately 140 million tons become per annum.
___In converter of multifunction blowing rationally match value of upper and bottom blowing and their detect withdraw in significant measure. One of the advantage of upper blowing is a possibility of the regulation of the forming the slag to account of the change the mode blowing (the height furms on level of the metal and consuption of the oxygen) that allows to melt become with different contents of the oxygen. Besides, in converter of upper blowing possible to process the significant share of the scrap metal (27…29% from mass of the metallic part of shicht). Together with that under upper blow exists weak the mixed metallic bath, particularly in its lower part that conditions the incompleteness and lowered velocity reaction removing the admixtures. Besides, occurs significant fart oxidation of metal and slag (under small contents of carbon in metal), but consequently, and reduction of the output suitable.
___A Mode of smelting trunks in 200 tonns oxygen converter includes the following operations:
———1.) Loading of scrap 2…3 minutes.
———2.) Potting of cast iron 2…3 minutes.
———3.) Blowing 12…14 minutes.
———4.) The Selection of the tests and measurement of the temperature 9…10 minutes.
———5.) Short blowing nitrogen 0,5 minutes.
———6.) Swingered of slag 2…3 minutes.
———7.) The Issue become 5…6 minutes.
___A Lime in the manner of powder give together with oxygen at the speed of before 5 tons at minute. The Specific consuption of the oxygen forms approximately 3,3 cubic metres on ton at minute. The General duration smelting trunks forms at the average 35 minutes.
___A Way of production become in converter of bottom blow, sooner whole will not find broad spreading. So in a short time converters bottom blow will are in addition equiped with upper furms i.e. will develop oxygen convertered process with use multifunction of blowing, possessing the most high technician economic factor.
___Commencing with 1975…1980, all greater spreading as abroad, so and in Russia get the converters so named multifunction of blow. In these converter alongside with presenting the oxygen in fluid metal with the help of upper vertical furm, through bilge to blow the inert gas or oxygen in shell of the defensive gas. In 1982 was all over the world used more than 100 converters of multifunction blowing, the general capacity approximately 140 million tons become per annum.
___In converter of multifunction blowing rationally match value of upper and bottom blowing and their detect withdraw in significant measure. One of the advantage of upper blowing is a possibility of the regulation of the forming the slag to account of the change the mode blowing (the height furms on level of the metal and consuption of the oxygen) that allows to melt become with different contents of the oxygen. Besides, in converter of upper blowing possible to process the significant share of the scrap metal (27…29% from mass of the metallic part of shicht). Together with that under upper blow exists weak the mixed metallic bath, particularly in its lower part that conditions the incompleteness and lowered velocity reaction removing the admixtures. Besides, occurs significant fart oxidation of metal and slag (under small contents of carbon in metal), but consequently, and reduction of the output suitable.
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