___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write:
___Early ed, but little maind and fluid movable slag powerfully corrodes the fireproof of the converter, not providing begin removing of phosphorus from metal so necessary quick dissolution of lime in slag. For speedup of the dissolution of lime in slag, in converter usually add the additives (the fluorspar or bauxite). In composition of the fluorspar in good supply enters the fluoride calcium, but in composition of bauxite – an alumina and ferric (Fe2O3). Most accelerates the process of the dissolution of lime in slag fluorspar.
___The Dissolution of lime in slag also speeds up when increase the contents in its oxides ferric FeO so at the beginning initially blowing always try to get the slags with raised oxiding (raised by contents FeO and Fe2O3). This is reached of blowing under more high position oxygen furms, as well as additive in converter of iron ore. Only under we get prettier the quality of applicable lime and low contents of phosphorus and sulphurs in cast iron – these action possible not to produce. For speedup of slagforming advisable has in cast iron sufficient contentses manganese, since herewith contents of the oxides manganese increases in slag of the first minutes of blowing, promoting dissolution of lime.
___Bei conversion in oxygen converter cast iron with low contents manganese and it is not enough quick dissolution of lime, expedient additive manganese ore at the beginning initially of blowing. Are they Successfully used also beforehand prepared slagforming material: agglomerate with gumboil, rollings and etc. Under their use slagforming speeds up in contrast with separate introduction to converter of lime, additives and iron ore. Slagformed material reasonable to carry in converter several portions for speedup their heating. Usually 6…70% slagformed materials carry in converter at the beginning initially of blowing, but rest during the first one third from the general length of blowing, one – three portions with small interval.
___The Conditions of run chemical processes, leading to change the composition of metall, slag and gas in oxygen converter, are characterized by high initial pressure of blowing 1,0…1,2 MPA, its high oxided by potential, presence limited reactionary zone on border of blowing and metal with high temperature (2200…2500 degrees), zones gas – a slag – a metallic emulsion and mixed of metal and slag.
___High oxided potential and big kinetic energy of blowing create the condition simultaneous of run reaction of the oxidation of the admixtures of the fluid metal (silicon, manganese, phosphorus and carbon). This oxygen converters process differs from classical processes with air bottom blow, in which oxidation slagformed element (silicon and manganese), as well as carbon and phosphorus occurred at different periods smelting trunks. In oxygen converters process there are operative facilities of the regulation oxided processes (change the height oxygen furm and minute consuption of the oxygen), as well as management these process (change design furms and sniffled). Simultaneously with this acts and mode of the introduction gumboil and additives.
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