___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company write:
___Converters smelting trunks try to conduct with minimum idle times between blowings for prevention cool of fireproofs converter and reductions of the temperature following of blowing. Under fault-free condition of fireproof, the loading the converter begin with loading of scrap. The Loading produce through throat converter loadings machine with pallet in several acceptances. Then flood fluid cast iron, which deliver to converter in cast iron carry scoops. Potting of cast iron from scoops lead the bridge tap through throat converter in tilted its position.
___A Position of converter at loading of scrap and potting of cast iron in it – equally. After potting of cast iron converter turn in vertical position and in its worker space enter oxygen furm, simultaneously including presenting the oxygen. Simultaneously with beginning of blowing produce loading to first portion slagformed material (lime, bauxite or fluorspar), as well as if required iron ore. The Rest amount of slagforming materials enter during the first one third of blowing usually. Loading on move of blowing produce automatically from bunker through supplys and pallets. The Program of the boot is assigned by operator with board of converter control.
___Oxigen furm install on given distance its butt end before level of the calm bath i.e. available before begin of blowing. This distance depending on capacities of the converter and accepted technologies is usually found within 0,7…3,0 metres. The Blowing possible to lead with constant position of furm during the whole melting trunks or with more high its position at the beginning initially of blowing for speedup slagforming and the following of lowering before constant position. The High pressure of the given oxygen (0,9…1,4 MPa) provides introduction oxygen stream in metal, formation a slag – a gas – a metallic emulsion, circulation of the metal and its mixed with slag. If required on move of blowing enter coolling and slagforming additives. The Blowing depending on capacities of the converter and intensities of the presenting the oxygen, lasts from 14 before 30 minutes and must be finished under given contents of carbon at the temperature 1580…1650 degrees without excess possible limit on contents of phosphorus and sulphurs.
___In dependencies from initial contents of phosphorus in cast iron, the blowing lead without merge of slag and aiming the new slag (at contents of phosphorus before 0,07…0,08%). At contents of phosphorus more than 0,3% – a process lead with more high position of furm at initial period and intermediate of merge slag. The Moment of the completion of blowing in converter define on amount of the day oxygen and given electronic computing machine, got by steady-state method on base of the decision of the equations of the balance source material and given result melting trunks.
___After completion of blowing oxygen furm remove from cavity of the converter, which turn in horizontal position. Through throat of converter select the tests of the metal and slag and measure the temperature of the metal by thermocouple of the submersion. In selected test of the metal express-analysis will define the contentses of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphurs. Depending on result of the analysis of the composition of the metal, on contents of carbon in the first place, as well as measure of temperature – come to a conclusion about issue or about adjustment melting trunks. In shop, having system of the steady-state checking, use the recommendations of the computer in mode “Adviser of the operator”.
___Converters smelting trunks try to conduct with minimum idle times between blowings for prevention cool of fireproofs converter and reductions of the temperature following of blowing. Under fault-free condition of fireproof, the loading the converter begin with loading of scrap. The Loading produce through throat converter loadings machine with pallet in several acceptances. Then flood fluid cast iron, which deliver to converter in cast iron carry scoops. Potting of cast iron from scoops lead the bridge tap through throat converter in tilted its position.
___A Position of converter at loading of scrap and potting of cast iron in it – equally. After potting of cast iron converter turn in vertical position and in its worker space enter oxygen furm, simultaneously including presenting the oxygen. Simultaneously with beginning of blowing produce loading to first portion slagformed material (lime, bauxite or fluorspar), as well as if required iron ore. The Rest amount of slagforming materials enter during the first one third of blowing usually. Loading on move of blowing produce automatically from bunker through supplys and pallets. The Program of the boot is assigned by operator with board of converter control.
___Oxigen furm install on given distance its butt end before level of the calm bath i.e. available before begin of blowing. This distance depending on capacities of the converter and accepted technologies is usually found within 0,7…3,0 metres. The Blowing possible to lead with constant position of furm during the whole melting trunks or with more high its position at the beginning initially of blowing for speedup slagforming and the following of lowering before constant position. The High pressure of the given oxygen (0,9…1,4 MPa) provides introduction oxygen stream in metal, formation a slag – a gas – a metallic emulsion, circulation of the metal and its mixed with slag. If required on move of blowing enter coolling and slagforming additives. The Blowing depending on capacities of the converter and intensities of the presenting the oxygen, lasts from 14 before 30 minutes and must be finished under given contents of carbon at the temperature 1580…1650 degrees without excess possible limit on contents of phosphorus and sulphurs.
___In dependencies from initial contents of phosphorus in cast iron, the blowing lead without merge of slag and aiming the new slag (at contents of phosphorus before 0,07…0,08%). At contents of phosphorus more than 0,3% – a process lead with more high position of furm at initial period and intermediate of merge slag. The Moment of the completion of blowing in converter define on amount of the day oxygen and given electronic computing machine, got by steady-state method on base of the decision of the equations of the balance source material and given result melting trunks.
___After completion of blowing oxygen furm remove from cavity of the converter, which turn in horizontal position. Through throat of converter select the tests of the metal and slag and measure the temperature of the metal by thermocouple of the submersion. In selected test of the metal express-analysis will define the contentses of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphurs. Depending on result of the analysis of the composition of the metal, on contents of carbon in the first place, as well as measure of temperature – come to a conclusion about issue or about adjustment melting trunks. In shop, having system of the steady-state checking, use the recommendations of the computer in mode “Adviser of the operator”.
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