___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company wrote:
___The Received in the reformer reconstruction gas, containing approximately 65% hydrogen (H2) and 35% (CO), is given in average part mine stove through furms under 900 degrees. The Gas, passing through drafty upper layer of rollings, restores being kept in them oxideses ferric, but then moves for peelings and cooling in scrubber. Reconstruction of oxides occurs on the following reaction:
—1.) 3Fe2O3 + H2 = 2Fe3O4 + H2O
—2.) 3Fe2O3 + CO = 2Fe3O4 + CO2.
—3.) Fe3O4 + H2 = 3FeO + H2O.
—4.) Fe3O4 + CO = 3FeO + CO2.
—5.) FeO + H2 = Fe + H2O.
—6.) FeO + CO = Fe + CO2.
___A Part of cleaned gas (approximately one third) enters in conversion installation, where mingles with natural gases, remaining portion moves the installation for heating. Restored rollings are gradually lowered in cone part stove (the zone of the cooling) and are then unloaded from it under 40 – 50 degrees. Cooling of rollings in cone of a part occurs the gas, which is drawn off from its higher part, passes scrubber and moves the compressor in lower part of cone.
___Coolled rollings after sifting out split hairs enter in bunker, in which is kept in inert atmosphere before smelting in electroarc stove. They contain before 95% ferric and 0,7 – 1,0% carbon. The Stove with annual capacity 400 thousand tons metallize cheese, has a volume 300 cubic metres. Length of stay rollings in stove forms 8-12 hours, of them 4 – 6 hours – in reconstruction zone. On one ton metallize rollings disperses 400 – 410 cubic metres of the natural gas, but consuption to electric powers forms 154 kilowatts hours. The Process is completely automated, including and operation of the reception of the reconstruction gas. It is adjusted and checked correlation amount cleaned rubbering and natural gas, the temperature and composition of the reconstruction gas, expenses gas and other parameters of the process.
___The Process of direct reconstruction “Plazmored”, realized in mine stove, is designed in Swedens and provides use the plasma for reception of the reconstruction gas. This process is designed with reference to earlier exploited installation Vibergs, which includes the mine stove with expanding to bottom by profile, gas reformer with plazmatron and dolomite filter, through which circulates the gas. The Reconstruction gas, consisting of CO mainly and H2, heated before 950 degrees, enters in lower part stove and moves upwards toward lowerring shicht material (the rollings). Reconstruction oxides ferric from rollings occurs on reaction, similar on installation “Midreks” – in two stages:
—1.) Preliminary reconstruction before FeO at the average horizon of stove.
—2.) Final reconstruction before metallic ferric in lower part stove.
___A large part of gas (approximately 2/3) with the temperature 880 – 950 degrees, is conducted from stove by compressor and is given in gas reformer. In reformer are installed plazmatrons, with the help of which gas warm before 4000 – 5000 degrees and realize the conversion different type fuel (the gas, coal, oil). From reformers gas enters in filter with dolomite, where is cleaned from sulphur and then moves in lower part mine stove. Capacity of the installation before 70 thousand tons metallize rollings per annum. Using plazmatrons has allowed to reduce the consuption to electric powers, use the varied types a fuel and raise capacity of the installation.
___Spongy iron use for reception of iron powder, as well as in shicht steel-melting stoves. The Reception spongy ferric in tigels (the way Heganes) provides use the hard restorer. In refractory tigels (the sharriot or carborund) interleaving layer load finely pulverized, rich iron concoction or dross and mixture of coke with limestone or dolomite. The Coke triviality give in excess (in contrast with theoretical required for recovering) for prevention of the secondary oxidation ferric when cooling. The Limestone add for absorption of the sulphur, which is kept in coke. Thereby, as shicht material possible to use the sulphurous fuel and finely reduced ore and concoction that is an advantage of the method.
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