Processes of the direct reception

___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company wrote: 
___Under processes of the direct reconstruction ferric understand the ways of the reception spongy ferric, metallize cheese, cast ferric or become from iron ore material directly. The Reception ore ferric in bugle existed long before appearance of the domain stoves and origin two occuring in stages schemes production by steels. This way was charaterized by both small capacity, and low quality of metal. However idea of the reception ferric from ore material directly, avoiding domain process, is newly reborn, but on modern base already. 
___Special interest to process of the direct reconstruction, became to reveal itself at the last years. All over the world exists the growing of the deficit coking coals required for domain production. This is connected with reduction their spare. Besides, in consequence of speed development of powdered metallurgy, increases need for iron powder. Increasing of the requirements to quality of steel and alloy causes need of the increase the use metallize cheese (the spongy ferric, metallize rollings and krices). When entering metallize cheese in shicht steel-melting stoves, is provided reception of the metal high quality with minimum contents of the bad admixtures (the sulphurs and phosphorus) and admixtures of the non-ferrous metals. A Part of metallize cheese use also at smelting of cast iron in domain stove. 
___In present time all greater development get the processes of the direct reception or so named nocoke metallurgy. The Existing ways of the direct reception ferric depending on physical condition of the got product and accordingly temperature of the process divide into three groups. The ways of the reception spongy ferric pertain to the first group and metallize rollings, realized under relatively low temperature, under which run only reconstruction processes, without melting the empty sort. The Product of the reconstruction get in hard type. The ways of the reception of krices pertain To the second group (cohering mass spongy ferric). The Warm-up conditions of the process well above. Alongside with reconstruction oxides ferric, occurs melting the empty sort with forming the slag. The Particles of the restored metal are welded, forming dough figurative krices. The ways of the reception pertain To the third group by fluid steels, realized at the temperature above melting point ferric. The Final product are a fluid metal and slag. 
___The Particularities processes of the direct reception ferric condition the difference of the requirements to source metallurgical raw materials and restorer. At production spongy ferric and metallize rollings use rich, not containing bad admixtures of ore or concoctions and little sulphur to restorers. This is connected with that that empty sort of ore and concoction in process of the reconstruction does not suffer no change and remains in hard product, but sulphur of the restorer can move over to iron. At production of krices, in connection with turning the empty sort in slag, which is then separated from metal, possible use poor ore and low sorted solid fuel. For reception fluid become possible use rich passion seen ore and concoctions, as well as briquettes or rollings and different coals, including anthracites. 
___In quality of the restorers use: 
—1.) The Gases – a mono oxides of carbon (CO), hydrogen or mixture these gazov. 
—2.) The Hard material – coke or different types low-grade fuel. 
___Ways direct reception ferric possible to classify also on condition layer processed material and accordingly applicable equipment: 
—1.) The Thick still layer (reconstruction, realized in retort, conveyor machine, tigels). 
—2.) The Thick movable layer (reconstruction occurs in mine or revolving stove). 
—3.) Pseudo tluid layer, formed from thick layers at influence aerodynamic, vibratory, electrodynamic and other power. The Layer has increased volume and particles move in him like that, what move the particles in boiling liquid (reconstruction is realized in pillar or in tubular stove). 
—4.) The Weighted layer, consisting of two phases, gas and hard particles, forms sort of cloud or moves with gas flow (the process is realized in pillar, cyclone, reactor and recirculating stove). 
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