Standard oxygen convertered shop

___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write: 
___In extended variant this scheme provides also use given about composition, amount and the temperature leaving gas and some other current feature of the process, being indirect (the level of the noise, degree to vibrations of the converter). These data present itself elements of the dynamic checking the process, however introducing the systems of the dynamic checking the process meets else difficulties in consequence of not only imperfection of the applicable models, but also absences high warm-up sensor. The Steady state managerial system converters by smelting has allowed to enlarge the share of the smeltings, produced without complete, on 15…20% in contrast with manual management.
___One from problems, requiring decisions for entering dynamic managerial system converters by smelting, is an introduction and process management measuring probe for selection of the test and determinations of the temperature and contentses of carbon in metal without slopping of the converter. Necessary also to improve checking the forming the slag and automatic weight of material with entering given in computer. For successful operation dynamic managerial system converters by process reasonable making the integrated schemes of management, providing simultaneous management technological process and production. This will allow, vastly to reduce and take into account the fluctuations of the conditions on organizations production in shop and enlarge the technician a cost-performance applicable schemes of management.
___Standard oxygen convertered shop consists of two branches: mixed and converterd. Mixed branch is intended for ensuring working converter by fluid cast iron and is equiped with two mixers by capacity on 130 tons each. The Mixers are installed on high foundation. This provides filling of them cast iron carry scoops and delivery of fluid cast iron in converters branch on rail on level worker platforms converter, having mark 6…8 metres on level flap shop. The Mixer (the capacity for keeping of fluid cast iron) presents itself container of the cylindrical form with cover from steel sheet.
___In oxygen converters production, code of the mixer, not touching with cast iron, place from shamot of the brick, walls and bilge – from magnesite of the brick; the thickness of fireproof 650…700 mm. Stability of fireproof mixer forms 0,5…2. The Mixer is installed on roller skating rink and turns round of the electrodrive on them. Manhole is located in higher part of the mixer for potting of cast iron, enterring in cast iron carry scoop from domain shop at a rate of flap convertered shop. Potting produce with the help of bridge tap. There is sock in lateral part of mixer for plum of cast iron in knee convertered of the shop.
___For preventions of the cooling of cast iron mixer heat the gas or fuel oil. Burner or injector are provided with for this buttended of the wall of the mixer. Reduction of the temperature of the cast iron under its keeping in mixer forms 30…50 degrees. In mixer occurs leveling the chemical composition and temperature of cast iron different issue from domain stove. This does more stable work oxygen converters. For ensuring the necessary averaging is not allowed the mixer on 50% more then.
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