___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring” company write:
___A Correct of melting trunks under surplus contents of carbon in metal consists in short blowing. Length of blowing calculate with use result large number of the previous smeltings, which can be mortgaged in memory of the computer. The Blowing conduct under insufficient temperature of the metal under high position of furm, sometimes with exotermal by additive. Under insufficient contents of carbon, in metal enter the additives of made look younger coke or graphite at issue become in scoop. The Operations on reduction of the contents of carbon in metal and increasing of its temperature require the additional expenseses of time and reduce power of the converter, however full removal them possible only under more making checking and automations of the process with the help of dynamic managerial system.
___An Issue become from converter in steelpouring scoop produce through steelpouring hole (the flying) of the converter. Its open after completion of blowing, receptions analysis and undertaking the adjustment. Together with metal in steelpouring scoop merge the part of slag (the thickness layer 200…300 mms) for prevention of the quick cooling the metal in scoop. Remained main part of slag merge in slag chalice.
___In change from classical converters of the processes with air blow, in oxygen converter upper blowing is formed high active slag, having temperature over 1700 degrees. This is connected with influence of the concentrated oxygen blowing on surface of the metal, causing highlighting big amount heats in reactionary zone. Particularly, the intensive forming the slag occurs at the beginning initially of blowing. Herewith main reaction of slagforming is a reactions of the oxidation ferric, silicon and manganese:
———1.) 2Fe + O2 = 2FeO
———2.) Si + O2 = SiO2.
———3.) 2Mn + O2 = 2MnO
___A Slag, which is formed at the first minute after begin of blowing in oxygen converter, has low a rnaind and consists mainly of oxides silicon, manganese and ferric. Due to presence high warm-up reactionary zone in oxygen converter, dissolution of lime in this slag begins immediately after begin of blowing. Greatly early forming the slag in converter required for reduction intensive bear drop of the metal with leaving gas under uncovered slag of the surfaces of the bath.
___Early ed, but little maind and fluid movable slag powerfully corrodes the fireproof of the converter, not providing begin removing of phosphorus from metal so necessary quick dissolution of lime in slag. For speedup of the dissolution of lime in slag, in converter usually add the additives (the fluorspar or bauxite). In composition of the fluorspar in good supply enters the fluoride calcium, but in composition of bauxite – an alumina and ferric (Fe2O3). Most accelerates the process of the dissolution of lime in slag fluorspar.
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