___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” write:
___The distribution of flow on several stream provides the more soft blowing and formation several centres of the influence stream on smeltings. At reduction of the distance from furms before bath occurs more deep introduction stream in smelting. With increase of this distance or diameter sniffled under unchangeable consuption of the oxygen, depth of the introduction stream or separate stream if they do not meet as far back as united flow, becomes less. At outflow stream of blowing from furms, residing in cavities of the converter, in consequence of intensive of massexchange arround external borders stream occurs involvement in it particles surrounding ambiences (fluid or gaseous). This brings the mass of the movinging gas and cross-section stream about increase.
___Bei passing stream in ambience of converters gas (notdeepen mode) involvement them in formation brings about interaction kept there CO as product of the oxidation of carbon of the metal with oxygen stream. As a result this oxided characteristic stream in such mode can fall. In zone of the meeting stream with melt occurs diluting an blowing leaving from bath reactionary gas with high contents of the monooxides of carbon. Consequently, composition and characteristic of blow on surfaces melt hang from hydrodynamics stream and chemical processes in its volume, as well as from intensity of the tap of the gaseous products reaction with surfaces melt.
___The Deskside of reactionary zone of the interaction of blow with melt, as well as its volume hang from row other important factor, the main from which is an assimilation of the oxygen of melt and separation in volume of the zone and in insulated bubble gaseous products of withoutcarbone of metal. Under small submersion stream and formation notclosed zones, these processes render the smaller influence, than when forming deepen in bath of the reactionary zone. The Modern converters production, using intensive blowing, lead usually with deepen by reactionary zone most to length smelting trunks. At interaction of the flow of oxidizers with melt significant ascent converters of the bath exists in these condition in consequence of forming the large number of the bladders of the products withoutcarboned, mainly CO, on the whole volume melt.
___Bei more high position of furm increases the wear-out an fireproof of converter. This is due to not only expansions of the zone of the contact stream with slag and metal, but also increasing of the temperature of the flow oxider in consequence of combustion of the mono oxides of carbon, residing in cavities of the converter, since in these condition part stream turns out to be not sunk and participates in interaction with surrounding its gas on surface of the metallic bath. Such position of furm promotes also increasing the contents of the nitrogen in got metal in consequence of undersuckle in cavity of the converter surrounding air, particularly at assimilations bath oxygen and small amount forming reactionary gas. Basically on contents of the nitrogen in steels affects the degree of the purity of the applicable oxygen. For reception of the lowered contentses of the nitrogen in metal, necessary to use the oxygen with purity above 99,5%.
___The main forming source material oxygen converters smelting trunks by steels presents fluid cast iron, on milked which happens to 78 – 90% metallic of shicht. The Possibility of the conversion of cast iron of the different composition is one of the advantage oxygen of converters process. Cast iron use in world practical person converters processes with broad interval of the contentses of the main admixtures: 0,3 – 1,2% Si; 0,3 – 2,2% Mn; 0,08 – 0,3% P; 0,02 – 0,06% S. In spite of broad possibilities oxygen of converters process, reasonable define the optimum composition, providing at conversion best results on all factor. The Most influence upon factors of the process renders the contents silicon in cast iron, which defines the amount dioxide silicon in slag, necessary additives of the gumboil (lime), as well as of forming slag.
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