Tigels place in stove

___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company wrote: 
___Tigels place in stove of the periodic action, in which warm before 1100 – 1200 degrees and bear under this temperature long time. The Stove subway type provides it is enough quick and even heating Ttigels. Any Tigels with the shicht install on coaches, which, moving in subway stove, consecutively pass the zones of the heating, endurances and cooling. The gasification of carbon occurs at heating of shicht at the beginning with formation CO2 initially, which then changes in CO on reactions С + CO2 = 2CO. At the temperature above 1000 degrees gas phase contains approximately 99% CO that provides the sufficient fullness of the reconstruction oxides ferric. Length worker cycle in тоннельных stove, containing before 1360 tigels, forms before 100 hours. From concoction of the magnetite, containing before 71,4% Fe, gets the spongy iron with 97 – 99% Fe, 0,1 – 0,2% C, 0,01% P and 0,01 – 0,016% S. For reception ferric with smaller concentration of carbon, the product subject to about burn in atmosphere of the hydrogen. 
___From three main ways production fluid (cast) become – an converters, martens and eloctroarcs – the converters way appeared earlier others. As from 1855 – 1978, when were realized bessemer and tomass processes, this way has allowed to get the greater amount by cast steels. The Discriminating particularity converters way production by steels are a high velocities of the oxidation of the admixtures of processed cast iron under minimum duration melting trunks (10-30 minutes). Existed earlier processes production become from metallic shicht in tigels^ in fluid condition, as well as from cast iron in pudling stove (in dough figurative condition) were shown little production and were not up to quality industry. 
___The converters way production become in variant bessemer and tomass of the processes, except high efficiency, was charaterized by the simplicity a design and management, small capital expenditures on unit of the product. The Processes of the reception fluid become from cast iron guided to converter – an unit cylindrical or pear of the visible form with cocked throat and bottom with furms for blowing of the processed metal by air. The Special composition flooded in converter for nblowing fluid cast iron with raised contents silicon (the bessemer process) or phosphorus (tomass process) allowed to warm the processed metal from 1200 – 1350 degrees before 1600 – 1650 degrees without use fuel. 
___However alongside with noled advantage, classical converters processes (bessemer and tomass) – had and essential defect. To it pertain insufficiency of the ore base for production cast iron necessary composition (bessemer with low contents of the sulphur and phosphorus, not deleted in bessemer converter with tart fireproof from dinas, and tomass with high contents of phosphorus – a main of the source of the heat in tomass converter with the main dolomite fireproof). The Defect got become was shown its aptitude to frailty under lowered temperature and cool deformation. The Reason these low mechanical characteristic was shown high contents in metal of the nitrogen (0,010 – 0,015% from air of blowing) alongside with raised contentses of the sulphur, phosphorus and oxides (the nonmetall of the cut-in). Besides, in converter with using air of blowing was impossible process the quite a numbers of scraps, quickly accumulating industry. 
___Majority from these problems dared developed later coverters production open-hearth and hereinafter electro stell melting production though and requiring more complex equipment and greater capital expenditures and more production. The Rebirth and quick development converters production in the last decennial events is connected with development new its variant, allowed sharply to perfect the quality of the got product, as well as increase the ore base and use in converter of scrap. 
___At present day is designed and are successfully used in production new variants oxygen – converters of the processes with perfected mixed convertered of the bath and suitable regulation running processes. Herewith dares the problem of the increase the share of the processed crowbar. Special importance this problem gains in connection with conclusion from usage of the open hearth furnaces, losing its profitability. In prospect reasonable to obtain for convertered of the process such flexibility and range used cheese, what there are beside open hearth process, at conservation all advantage convertered of the way production by steels. In new variant converters processes use the blowing of cast iron from below technically clean by oxygen in shell coolling gas or fuel (the processes with bottom oxygen blow) or combination blowing different gas or mixture from below under upper oxygen blow. 
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