___A shief metallurg of “TehnoIngeniring.RF” company write:
___The Volume worker space of converter choose in accordance with designed by capacity and particularity to technologies – a type of cast iron, amount forming slag, applicable chiller. The Specific volume modern converter upper blowing i.e. volume worker space, referred to 1 ton of fluid cast iron and scraps, is usually found within 0,7 – 1,0 cubic metres on ton. The Floor limit of this importance, which can reach 0,6 cubic metres on ton – pertains to converter of the large capacity.
___A Form and sizes of the lower part worker space of the converter are connected with accomodation there flooded cast iron, provision best mixing metal and correspond to the desksides of the wear-out of fireproof. The Depth of the fluid bath before begin blowing is important technological and constructive parameter. Its defines the cross-section of the converter, submersion stream of blowing in fluid, level of the ascent melt at blowing, influence of blow on bilge, as well as slag and gas on fireproof sewer. At present for greater converter optimum consider the depth of the bath 1,4 – 1,8 metres. The internal diameter of the cylindrical part of converter define in accordance with this. So, for 250 tons converter, at depth of the bath 1,5 metres – its diameter forms 6,1 – 6,5 metres, but for 100 тонных converter under such depth of the bath – forms 4 metres.
___A Height of worker space converter when increase of their capacities increases weakly, forming for 100 – 300 tons converter 7,65 – 10 metres. The Attempts of the reduction of the relative height worker space can bring about uneven move of the process and surge, since fluid will close approach to throat of converter. For most working converter upper blowing, attitude of the height worker space to diameter forms 1,2 – 1,5. The Converters on cover can be or unadulterated welded, or withdrawable upper part (the throat), or withdrawable lower part. Withdrawable part of the cover (throat and bilge) fix to its main cylindrical part wedge by join for speed and reliability of the connector, since threading join (the bolts and nuts) in condition of the heating and deforming the cover do not bear the presented requirements.
___The most subject to heating and deformation upper cone-shaped partial cover of oxygen converter, but its change on new is connected with difficulty of the link-up and tailorings to cylindrical part of cover so most often its execute unadulterated -united with cover. In higher part oxygen converter is found flying for issue by steels. The issue through flying, rather then idle time discharge become through throat allows to reduce the hit of the slag in steel and their mixed, which undesirable in consequence of possibility of the generation back phosphorus from slag in metal. The Flying has metallic facing, fireproofmg and is closed by thick refractory clay.
___The remove bilge of converter do for relief and speedups of their repair basically. The Main defect removing bilge is a reduction to reliability and acerbity to designs of the lower part of converter so for the most large converter use not remove bilge. The Oxygen converters fireproofmgs the main refractory material in accordance with the main nature running in its process and the main characteristic formed slag. Since wear-out of fireproofs occurs unevenly, but its service to be taken externally and internal layer differs under the provisions of (the temperature and influence of the slag on metal), that fireproof place two-layer – from constant (the armatured) and removable (the worker) of the layers.
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